
Dedicated to provide global learning perspectives and access to top leadership insights, HKU Business School Executive Education goes beyond the distance to give you a more purposeful learning experience on the trending discussions. Leading authors, faculty, industry experts share their deep knowledge of the best management development practices, these complimentary events are conducted live to encourage the participation and diverse opinions from the audience.


ESG Forum

By HKU Business School
MBA Programme & Executive Education

Perspective from the Field: Sustainability and ESG

By Ms. Pamela Mar, Ms. Linda Ho, Dr. Eva Chan, moderator by Professor Dragon Tang

Coming soon

Online Lecture Series (2nd Cohort)

The Online Lecture Series (2nd Cohort) is co-hosted by HKU Business School Executive Education and HTI Futurae of Huatai International Financial Holdings Limited. During the lecture series, faculty members of HKU Business School and industry experts will shed light on the hot topics in economics, finance and business, allowing audience to have a better understanding on the current business situation and seize new market opportunities.

The lectures are conducted in Putonghua.

Mr. Ka Mun CHANG

Observations on The Two Sessions – Economic Situation


Prof. Haipeng SHEN

Empowering Digital Economy with Data


Prof. Yang SHEN

Development and Challenges of AIGC and ChatGPT


Dr. Wen ZHOU

Business Strategies and Competitive Games


Prof. Lian WANG

The Belt and Road Initiative and the Evolution of the Middle East Situation


Prof. Heiwai TANG

Global Trade Landscape – Economic Outlook 2024


Prof. S. M. YIU

Future Industrial Landscape and Application Scenarios of the AI Industry


Online Lecture Series (1st Cohort)

The Online Lecture Series is an online live broadcast lecture series hosted by HKU Business School, with HKU Business School faculty members as guest speakers, providing analyses and insights on the current economic, financial and corporate hot topics.
The lectures are conducted in Putonghua.
Playbacks of the lectures:
明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第一讲 | Lecture 1


The present and past of business models


Prof.Zhiwu CHEN

洞悉经济规律等同掌握成功法则,能够在残酷的竞争中突围而出。香港大学经济及工商管理学院网上直播教学平台 –

「明德大学堂」邀请了殿堂级教授 – 陈志武教授,为大家剖析商业模式的今与昔,以史为鉴,破解商业、经济的运行规律,助您看懂趋势,把握机遇,在疫境中也能逆流而上﹗

Understanding the economic pattern is like grasping the law of success and outstanding from fierce competition.

Prof. CHEN will analyze the present and past of business models, sharing his insights on the laws of business, economics and assisting you in seizing the opportunities to go upstream. 

Prof. Zhiwu CHEN

The present and past of business models

明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第一讲 | Lecture 1


The present and past of business models


Prof.Zhiwu CHEN

洞悉经济规律等同掌握成功法则,能够在残酷的竞争中突围而出。香港大学经济及工商管理学院网上直播教学平台 –

「明德大学堂」邀请了殿堂级教授 – 陈志武教授,为大家剖析商业模式的今与昔,以史为鉴,破解商业、经济的运行规律,助您看懂趋势,把握机遇,在疫境中也能逆流而上﹗

Understanding the economic pattern is like grasping the law of success and outstanding from fierce competition.

Prof. CHEN will analyze the present and past of business models, sharing his insights on the laws of business, economics and assisting you in seizing the opportunities to go upstream. 
明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第三讲 | Lecture 3

生活中的博奕论 – 兼论婚恋问题与子女教育

The Game Theory in Life- Marriage and Parenting



经济学上有两个理论与每个人的生活息息相关,即囚徒困境(Prisoners’ Dilemma)和劣胜(Adverse Selection)。这两个发现都得了诺贝尔经济学奖,对我们理解军国大事、宏观经济、商业运作乃至生物进化和人类社会的发展都极有帮助。

港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了周文博士,与大家详解两个理论对个人生活的启发和应用,助你在人生之旅中求胜防败,追求卓越,流光溢彩。

There are two theories in economics which are closely related to everyone’s daily lives: Prisoners’ Dilemma and Adverse Selection. Both theories were awarded Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. And they will help us understand international relationships, macroeconomics, business operations, and even biological evolution and the development of human society.

Dr. ZHOU will explain how the two theories inspire and apply in our personal lives so that we can lead a great life journey.

Dr. Wen ZHOU

The Game Theory in Life- Marriage and Parenting

明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第三讲 | Lecture 3

生活中的博奕论 – 兼论婚恋问题与子女教育

The Game Theory in Life- Marriage and Parenting



经济学上有两个理论与每个人的生活息息相关,即囚徒困境(Prisoners’ Dilemma)和劣胜(Adverse Selection)。这两个发现都得了诺贝尔经济学奖,对我们理解军国大事、宏观经济、商业运作乃至生物进化和人类社会的发展都极有帮助。

港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了周文博士,与大家详解两个理论对个人生活的启发和应用,助你在人生之旅中求胜防败,追求卓越,流光溢彩。

There are two theories in economics which are closely related to everyone’s daily lives: Prisoners’ Dilemma and Adverse Selection. Both theories were awarded Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. And they will help us understand international relationships, macroeconomics, business operations, and even biological evolution and the development of human society.

Dr. ZHOU will explain how the two theories inspire and apply in our personal lives so that we can lead a great life journey.
明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第四讲 | Lecture 4

从一百年前的西班牙流感到新冠病毒: 第一次世界大战与亚洲的国际新秩序

From Spanish Flu to COVID-19: World War I and the international new order of Asia


Prof.Guoqi XU

观今宜鉴古,新冠病毒疫情爆发,人们也转头回望历史,向一百多年前的西班牙流感学习。究竟当年的西班牙流感带给人类什么启示? 我们如何向历史取经,为今日疫情带来转机? 此外,西班牙流感和第一次世界大战差不多同时席卷全球,对国际秩序造成巨大影响。新冠病毒对国际关系带来什么潜在影响?

值此新冠病毒流行全世界之际,香港大学经济及工商管理学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了国际著名一战史专家徐国琦教授,和大家一起向历史借鉴,以全新的视野,重新审视一战的亚洲遗产及对今天的启示。

What is the message the Spanish flu has left with human when we look back to the history upon the outbreak of COVID-19? How can we take reference from the past and help with today’s pandemic? Besides, the Spanish flu has swept the globe at similar timing with World War I, causing great impact to the international order. What is the potential impact of COVID-19 to international relations?

Prof. Guoqi XU, renowned international expert of World War I history will share his views on the legacy of World War I and its implication on today. 

Prof. Guoqi XU

From Spanish Flu to COVID-19: World War I and the international new order of Asia

明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第四讲 | Lecture 4

从一百年前的西班牙流感到新冠病毒: 第一次世界大战与亚洲的国际新秩序

From Spanish Flu to COVID-19: World War I and the international new order of Asia


Prof.Guoqi XU

观今宜鉴古,新冠病毒疫情爆发,人们也转头回望历史,向一百多年前的西班牙流感学习。究竟当年的西班牙流感带给人类什么启示? 我们如何向历史取经,为今日疫情带来转机? 此外,西班牙流感和第一次世界大战差不多同时席卷全球,对国际秩序造成巨大影响。新冠病毒对国际关系带来什么潜在影响?

值此新冠病毒流行全世界之际,香港大学经济及工商管理学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了国际著名一战史专家徐国琦教授,和大家一起向历史借鉴,以全新的视野,重新审视一战的亚洲遗产及对今天的启示。

What is the message the Spanish flu has left with human when we look back to the history upon the outbreak of COVID-19? How can we take reference from the past and help with today’s pandemic? Besides, the Spanish flu has swept the globe at similar timing with World War I, causing great impact to the international order. What is the potential impact of COVID-19 to international relations?

Prof. Guoqi XU, renowned international expert of World War I history will share his views on the legacy of World War I and its implication on today. 
明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第五讲 | Lecture 5


The financial market and investment strategy in the post-pandemic era


Prof.Dragon Yongjun TANG

受到新冠病毒疫情冲击,低落的市场气氛感染全球,金融市场更持续起伏震荡。后疫情时代,投资的基本逻辑或继往开来,或革故鼎新。投资者应如何调整投资策略及资产配置? 疫情为金融市场带来什么危机与转机? 下次危机必然会来,你我如何做金融应对?

港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 -「明德大学堂」邀请了港大经管学院 金融学教授及金融学学术领域主任汤勇军教授,和大家详细解说乱世中的投资术,助您认清危与机,在逆势中出击致胜。

Upon the shock of COVID-19, the economy has been severely hit and the financial market continuously fluctuates. How should investors adjust their investment strategies and asset allocation? What are the opportunities in the financial market brought by the pandemic? 

Prof. TANG explains the investment strategy in times of pandemic and helps you recognize the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Prof. Dragon Yongjun TANG

The financial market and investment strategy in the post-pandemic era

明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第五讲 | Lecture 5


The financial market and investment strategy in the post-pandemic era


Prof.Dragon Yongjun TANG

受到新冠病毒疫情冲击,低落的市场气氛感染全球,金融市场更持续起伏震荡。后疫情时代,投资的基本逻辑或继往开来,或革故鼎新。投资者应如何调整投资策略及资产配置? 疫情为金融市场带来什么危机与转机? 下次危机必然会来,你我如何做金融应对?

港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 -「明德大学堂」邀请了港大经管学院 金融学教授及金融学学术领域主任汤勇军教授,和大家详细解说乱世中的投资术,助您认清危与机,在逆势中出击致胜。

Upon the shock of COVID-19, the economy has been severely hit and the financial market continuously fluctuates. How should investors adjust their investment strategies and asset allocation? What are the opportunities in the financial market brought by the pandemic? 

Prof. TANG explains the investment strategy in times of pandemic and helps you recognize the challenges and opportunities ahead.
明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第六讲 | Lecture 6


Blue ocean strategies in economic perspectives and the application against the pandemic


Prof.Yuk-fai FONG


港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了港大经管学院教授(管理及商业策略、经济学)及副院长(硕士课程)房育辉教授,和大家剖析蓝海战略,助力企业家与高管在疫情中及疫情后突围而出。


Many have misunderstood blue ocean strategies and have mistaken any ways of corporations finding blue ocean as blue ocean strategies. In fact, the strategy is a comprehensive system.

Prof. FONG will explain blue ocean strategies in economic perspectives and explore how to find the blue ocean during and after the pandemic.

Prof. Yuk-fai FONG

Blue ocean strategies in economic perspectives and the application against the pandemic

明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第六讲 | Lecture 6


Blue ocean strategies in economic perspectives and the application against the pandemic


Prof.Yuk-fai FONG


港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了港大经管学院教授(管理及商业策略、经济学)及副院长(硕士课程)房育辉教授,和大家剖析蓝海战略,助力企业家与高管在疫情中及疫情后突围而出。


Many have misunderstood blue ocean strategies and have mistaken any ways of corporations finding blue ocean as blue ocean strategies. In fact, the strategy is a comprehensive system.

Prof. FONG will explain blue ocean strategies in economic perspectives and explore how to find the blue ocean during and after the pandemic.
明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第七讲 | Lecture 7

从《韩非子》看组织为什么会失败 ?

Discussion on the reasons of the failure of organizations from the Chinese work Han Feizi


Prof.Jin LI

疫情期间,不少企业,包括一些百年老店轰然倒下。然而如何在易变,不确定,复杂而又模糊的(VUCA)环境里生存下去,并非是这个时代独有的难题。 早在两千多年前, 那个狼烟四起,群雄纷争的战国时代,这个难题也困扰着大大小小的各国诸侯们。关于这个难题的思考,孕育了一批思想家。韩非是其中最杰出的代表之一。他的《韩非子》集势、法、术、道为一体, 不少观点切中现代经济学的核心。对韩非,秦始皇感叹 “嗟乎,寡人得见此人与之游,死不恨矣!” 而《韩非子》又能给今天的管理者带来怎样的启示呢?

港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了港大经管学院教授(管理及商业策略、经济学)李晋教授,和大家分析《韩非子》,借古鉴今看如何在这疫情后的时代生存下去。

Many corporations, including some hundred-year-old enterprises fell during the pandemic. Yet the question of survival in the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) environment is not unique in our times. Around two thousand years ago, during the chaotic Warring States Period, this question has troubled many feudal lords then. This has given rise to a group of philosophers and among them, Han Fei was the most outstanding one. His work Han Feizi has integrated Shi (situation), Fa (law), Shu (skill), Dao (way) and many viewpoints in his work have fit in the essence of modern economics.

Prof. LI will analyze the work Han Feizi and discuss how we may take reference from the work to survive in this post-pandemic era.

Prof. Jin LI

Discussion on the reasons of the failure of organizations from the Chinese work Han Feizi

明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第七讲 | Lecture 7

从《韩非子》看组织为什么会失败 ?

Discussion on the reasons of the failure of organizations from the Chinese work Han Feizi


Prof.Jin LI

疫情期间,不少企业,包括一些百年老店轰然倒下。然而如何在易变,不确定,复杂而又模糊的(VUCA)环境里生存下去,并非是这个时代独有的难题。 早在两千多年前, 那个狼烟四起,群雄纷争的战国时代,这个难题也困扰着大大小小的各国诸侯们。关于这个难题的思考,孕育了一批思想家。韩非是其中最杰出的代表之一。他的《韩非子》集势、法、术、道为一体, 不少观点切中现代经济学的核心。对韩非,秦始皇感叹 “嗟乎,寡人得见此人与之游,死不恨矣!” 而《韩非子》又能给今天的管理者带来怎样的启示呢?

港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了港大经管学院教授(管理及商业策略、经济学)李晋教授,和大家分析《韩非子》,借古鉴今看如何在这疫情后的时代生存下去。

Many corporations, including some hundred-year-old enterprises fell during the pandemic. Yet the question of survival in the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) environment is not unique in our times. Around two thousand years ago, during the chaotic Warring States Period, this question has troubled many feudal lords then. This has given rise to a group of philosophers and among them, Han Fei was the most outstanding one. His work Han Feizi has integrated Shi (situation), Fa (law), Shu (skill), Dao (way) and many viewpoints in his work have fit in the essence of modern economics.

Prof. LI will analyze the work Han Feizi and discuss how we may take reference from the work to survive in this post-pandemic era.
明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第八讲 | Lecture 8


The "dark side" of technology: serendipity in designing information search


Prof.Zhenhui JIANG

港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了港大经管学院创新及资讯管理学教授蒋镇辉教授,来揭开推荐技术的“黑暗面”,提供设计信息搜索惊喜度的新思路,为大家剖析未来的信息搜索将如何演变。

The “dark side” of technology: serendipity in designing information search by Professor Zhenhui JIANG Have you got the experience that when you searched a piece of information, similar recommendations will pop up afterwards? Do you have a feeling that the information you are seeing are getting more and more similar and the range is getting narrower, when you shop on online platforms, watch episodes on websites and browse news on app? Do you feel bored when you search? This is the issue of “Filter Bubble” brought by personalised recommendation. Personalised recommendation helps users search their interested information more effectively, yet also reduces the users’ surprise in searching information.
Prof. JIANG will reveal the “dark side” of recommendation technology and provide new thoughts on how to design information search to retain “serendipity”.

Prof. Zhenhui JIANG

The “dark side” of technology: serendipity in designing information search

明德大学堂 Online Lecture Series

第八讲 | Lecture 8


The "dark side" of technology: serendipity in designing information search


Prof.Zhenhui JIANG

港大经管学院网上直播教学平台 – 「明德大学堂」邀请了港大经管学院创新及资讯管理学教授蒋镇辉教授,来揭开推荐技术的“黑暗面”,提供设计信息搜索惊喜度的新思路,为大家剖析未来的信息搜索将如何演变。

The “dark side” of technology: serendipity in designing information search by Professor Zhenhui JIANG Have you got the experience that when you searched a piece of information, similar recommendations will pop up afterwards? Do you have a feeling that the information you are seeing are getting more and more similar and the range is getting narrower, when you shop on online platforms, watch episodes on websites and browse news on app? Do you feel bored when you search? This is the issue of “Filter Bubble” brought by personalised recommendation. Personalised recommendation helps users search their interested information more effectively, yet also reduces the users’ surprise in searching information.
Prof. JIANG will reveal the “dark side” of recommendation technology and provide new thoughts on how to design information search to retain “serendipity”.


Digital Transformation and its Impact on Human Capital Management

By Professor Haipeng Shen

AI, Blockchain, Social Media opportunities amid Social Distancing and the COVID-19 Crisis

By Professor Hailiang Chen, Professor Shane Wang, moderator by Professor Haipeng Shen

Digital Disruption and Technology Trends amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Professor Haipeng Shen, Professor Ning Su, moderator by Professor Chris W.H. Chan

0 to 1: Building and Growing FinTech

By Ms. Jessica Liu, Mr. Manuel San Miguel, Mr. Benjamin Quinlan, Mr Neil Tan; Moderated by Dr. Kurt Luo

China's Economy and Business Responses under Multiple Challenges (Mandarin Only)

By Professor Zhenhua Mao

Digital Disruption and Technology Trends amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Professor Haipeng Shen, Professor Ning Su, moderator by Professor Chris W.H. Chan