Dedicated to provide global learning perspectives and access to top leadership insights, HKU Business School Executive Education goes beyond the distance to give you a more purposeful learning experience on the trending discussions. Leading authors, faculty, industry experts share their deep knowledge of the best management development practices, these complimentary events are conducted live to encourage the participation and diverse opinions from the audience.
Perspective from the Field: Sustainability and ESG
By Ms. Pamela Mar, Ms. Linda Ho, Dr. Eva Chan, moderator by Professor Dragon Tang
Coming soon
Online Lecture Series (2nd Cohort)
The lectures are conducted in Putonghua.
Online Lecture Series (1st Cohort)
Prof. Zhiwu CHEN
The present and past of business models
Dr. Wen ZHOU
The Game Theory in Life- Marriage and Parenting
Prof. Guoqi XU
From Spanish Flu to COVID-19: World War I and the international new order of Asia
Prof. Dragon Yongjun TANG
The financial market and investment strategy in the post-pandemic era
Many have misunderstood blue ocean strategies and have mistaken any ways of corporations finding blue ocean as blue ocean strategies. In fact, the strategy is a comprehensive system.
Prof. Yuk-fai FONG
Blue ocean strategies in economic perspectives and the application against the pandemic
Many have misunderstood blue ocean strategies and have mistaken any ways of corporations finding blue ocean as blue ocean strategies. In fact, the strategy is a comprehensive system.
疫情期间,不少企业,包括一些百年老店轰然倒下。然而如何在易变,不确定,复杂而又模糊的(VUCA)环境里生存下去,并非是这个时代独有的难题。 早在两千多年前, 那个狼烟四起,群雄纷争的战国时代,这个难题也困扰着大大小小的各国诸侯们。关于这个难题的思考,孕育了一批思想家。韩非是其中最杰出的代表之一。他的《韩非子》集势、法、术、道为一体, 不少观点切中现代经济学的核心。对韩非,秦始皇感叹 “嗟乎,寡人得见此人与之游,死不恨矣!” 而《韩非子》又能给今天的管理者带来怎样的启示呢?
Prof. Jin LI
Discussion on the reasons of the failure of organizations from the Chinese work Han Feizi
疫情期间,不少企业,包括一些百年老店轰然倒下。然而如何在易变,不确定,复杂而又模糊的(VUCA)环境里生存下去,并非是这个时代独有的难题。 早在两千多年前, 那个狼烟四起,群雄纷争的战国时代,这个难题也困扰着大大小小的各国诸侯们。关于这个难题的思考,孕育了一批思想家。韩非是其中最杰出的代表之一。他的《韩非子》集势、法、术、道为一体, 不少观点切中现代经济学的核心。对韩非,秦始皇感叹 “嗟乎,寡人得见此人与之游,死不恨矣!” 而《韩非子》又能给今天的管理者带来怎样的启示呢?