The Premier Strategic AI Programme

Design thinking training

The world is fast-changing, so are the business models. Leaders shall always keep their managing and operation models updated to stay ahead in the competitive business world. Design thinking training offers a platform to equip leaders with a more comprehensive understanding of design thinking, and enables them to apply the strategy they have learned to their business and services.

Joining design thinking course in HKU

Design thinking training is known as innovation training, our training programme enables leaders to add value to their business by improving their innovation processes in their teams. Joining HKU design thinning training can help to enhance the efficiency and productivity of your team and you will learn numerous insightful concepts of design thinking from our experienced experts.

The Benefits of our Design Thinking Training

  • Improve productivity Stay customer-centric
  • Faster & more effective solutions to problems
  • Increase ROI
  • Certificate issued by HKU
Our design thinking training included the most comprehensive Enterprise Design Thinking topics, which helps to accelerate leaders’ business and plan a customer-centric business strategy with different people’s objectives. ​​The course will also teach leaders how to adapt design thinking and problem-solving tools to address their challenges, optimise user experience and improve the quality in products, strategies, teams and working environmental aspects. Upon the completion of our design thinking training, participants will be awarded a certificate in Design Thinking.

What you will learn in our design thinking training

During the course, participants will come across different topics related to design thinking, such as creativity and innovation, how to produce new ideas, how to explore possibilities by brainstorming, etc. After finishing the course, participants should be able to… Apply creative thinking tools Figure out potential risks and opportunities Criticise the current situation and give advice from an innovative perspective Understand the principles and fundamental notion of design thinking


HKU x HKAI LAB - The Premier Strategic AI Programme

Programme Length

16 hours (4 modules, half day each)

Programme Fee

HK$48,000 (*Special Discount for HKAI Lab & AEF's Community, Original price: HK$55,000)

Medium of Instruction


Delivery Approach



HKU Campuses & Alibaba Office


Under the strong partnership between HKU Business School Executive Education, Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund, and HKAI LAB, the Premier Strategic AI Programme was first launched. It is a comprehensive 4-day programme consisting of 4 modules, each delving into different aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Participants will gain practical insights into AI applications across industries, learn about responsible AI governance, develop AI strategies for commercialisation, and receive hands-on experience with AI tools like ChatGPT and Copilot.


  • Exploration of AI fundamentals and advanced techniques.
  • Focus on ethical considerations and responsible AI deployment.
  • Strategic AI integration for business growth and success.
  • Development of AI commercialisation skills and strategies.
  • The combination of Lectures, Guest Sharing and Interactive Workshop associated with the programme offered by HKU and HKAI Lab.
  • Certification awarded by Executive Education of HKU Business School upon successful completion of the programme.
  • Top speakers lineup from various industries, including top scientist from Alibaba DAMO Academy, investors, corporate business leaders, domain experts, academics, and AI industry leaders:

Dr. Deli ZHAO

Chief Scientist, Alibaba DAMO Academy

Mr. Lewis FUNG

Managing Director, SenseTime Hong Kong

Mr. Kenny AU

General Manager & Head of Operations, The Bank of East Asia Limited

Mr. Timothy LEUNG

Advisor and Former Executive Director, HKAI LAB

Ms. Jeanne LIM

CEO, beingAI Corporation

Mr. Tony TUNG

Managing Director (Shenzhen), Gobi Partners

*More speakers from different industries will be announced soon. Speakers are subject to change depending on the programme schedule.


Prof. Dawei WANG

Assistant Professor

Dawei Wang received his PhD in Management and Organizations from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He was mentored by Dr. Edward Zajac, a renowned behavioral strategist and Dr. Luis Amaral, an established physics, chemistry and bio-engineering scholar. Using an interdisciplinary approach, Dawei is interested in conducting experiments on artificial intelligence systems as well as applying artificial intelligence technology in the study of human decision-making and human behaviors. His research is published in top-tier research journals including, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Psychological Science.

Prof. Matthias BUEHLMAIER

Associate Professor of Teaching
BBA (IBGM) Programme Director

Matthias Buehlmaier is a principal lecturer in finance and the BBA(IBGM) program director at HKU Business School, University of Hong Kong (HKU). He has been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge at Hughes Hall and Cambridge Judge Business School via the Doris Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Fellowship. Moreover, he has been a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Finance, Regensburg University. Since April 2020 he is an Advance HE Fellow. He is a winner of several teaching and research awards, e.g. the Outstanding Teaching Award and the Teaching Innovation Award granted by HKU, three Faculty Outstanding Teaching Awards, the inaugural Faculty Teaching Innovation Award, the Hong Kong Asian Capital Markets Research Price from the HKSFA, and the Stephan Koren Prize, to name a few.
Mr. David S. LEE

Prof. David S. LEE

Associate Professor of Teaching
BFin (AMPB) Deputy Programme Director and Admissions Tutor

David S. Lee is an award-winning teacher that is active broadly in the areas of ethics, fintech, leadership, law, and corporate governance. A recipient of multiple teaching excellence and teaching innovation awards, David is the first business academic to ever receive a UGC Teaching Award, the highest university teaching honor in Hong Kong. David feels teaching is a wonderful privilege and enjoys being in the classroom and engaging with students. He teaches in the undergraduate, executive education, MBA, and other taught postgraduate degree programs, including the IMBA with Fudan University, and the Executive MBA-Global Asia offered with Columbia Business School and London Business School.


Senior managers, business leaders, C-level executives, and investors who seek to enhance their understanding and strategic implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within their organisations, as well as those wishing to deepen their knowledge of AI for informed investment decisions, will greatly benefit from attending the programme.


  • Knowledge Enhancement: Develop a deep understanding of AI concepts, algorithms, and methodologies, etc.
  • Strategic Integration: Learn to strategically incorporate and commercialise AI for business success.
  • Networking Opportunity: Offer a supportive and interactive environment with industry partners, organisations, or research institutions to network with experts and build relationships with industry insiders.
  • Practical Learning: Engage with real-world cases and hands-on exercises to gain insights into cutting-edge technologies.
  • Ethical Considerations: Understand ethical and responsible AI deployment, the associated challenges and solutions in terms of ethics, privacy, algorithmic/data biases, accountability, etc.
  • Certification: Receive a certificate upon completion.

Module 1: AI 101 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

  • Definition of Artificial Intelligence: Understand AI’s significance for corporate executives.
  • Practical Applications: Explore AI applications examples across industries.
  • Business Impact Analysis: Assess AI’s Impact on business models.
  • Adoption Challenges: Identify AI adoption challenges in corporate settings.
  • Hands-On Experience: Practice with AI applications like ChatGPT and Copilot.

Module 2: Understanding AI (Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, and Algorithms) and Generative AI

  • Enterprise Applications: How to use AI in modern business contexts.
  • Data-Driven Analytics: Learn about data’s role in AI analytics.
  • Data Techniques: Understand data collection, storage and pre-processing methods.
  • AI Techniques Classification: Classify AI techniques and their uses.
  • ML and DL Tools: Get familiar with machine learning and deep learning tools.
  • Generative AI Fundamentals: Introduction to Generative AI.

Module 3: Ethics Considerations and Responsible AI Governance

  • Ethical Challenges: Address ethics, privacy concerns, transparency and bias in AI algorithms.
  • Solutions and Accountability: Learn how to ensure ethical AI practices.
  • Governance: Understand frameworks for AI governance.
  • Case Studies: Review ethical AI case studies.

Module 4: AI Strategy Development and Commercialisation

  • Organisational Readiness Assessment: Evaluate the readiness for AI implementation in your company.
  • Goal Setting: Define clear AI integration goals and objectives.
  • AI Roadmap: Create an AI roadmap aligned with business strategy.
  • Resource Needs: Identify the skills and resources for successful AI adoption.
  • AI Use Cases: Study relevant AI use cases.
  • Commercialisation Planning: Develop AI commercialisation strategies.
  • Business Case Development: Build a string AI implementation business case.

Participants are required to achieve a minimum attendance of 75% in order to be considered for the completion of the programme (all four modules).

Upon successful completion of all 4 modules, participants will be awarded a certificate.

All programmes are non-credit bearing.



Module 1AI 101 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1 November 202414:00-18:00
Module 2Understanding AI (Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, and Algorithms) and Generative AI14 November 202414:00-18:00
Module 3Ethics Considerations and Responsible AI Governance22 November 202414:00-18:00
Module 4AI Strategy Development and Commercialisation28 November 202414:00-18:00


HKU campuses & Alibaba office


Full programme fee:

HK$55,000 for the entire programme


Early Bird5%Registration has to be submitted by 18 October 2024.
Group10%Minimum of three participants from the same organisation registering for the programme.
HKU Alumni and Staff / HKAI LAB & AEF’s NetworkDiscounted fee of HK$48,000Please indicate your status in your registration, and we will advise and confirm on your eligibility.

*Only one type of discount can be applied per enrollment. The discount cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, discounts or offers. In the event of a dispute, provision of the discount(s) is subject to the sole discretion and final decision of HKU Business School.

Deferment Policy​

  1. Participants may defer their participation in the programme for a maximum of one year only.
  2. If a participant wishes to defer, they must provide an official statement in English detailing the situation and reason for deferral. This will be reviewed by our faculty office, which will determine whether the deferral request is approved.
  3. Administrative fees may apply to deferment applications.


Ms. Andrea KUK

Phone: +852 3962 1274

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